We Are Winners of the Kodak Sonora Plate Green Leaf Award!

WPG Ltd are a winner for the Kodak Sonora Plate Green Leaf Award. This award recognises the efforts made by the company towards the environment and its environmental management policies.

Kodak use some of the following in their scoring system;

  • Regular Measurement of Environmental Performance
  • Formal Accreditation’s
  • Eco Labels
  • Environmental Certifications
  • Commitment to Energy Efficiency
  • Recycling Achievements
  • Recycling Scheme Participation
  • Community Actions
  • Sustainable Forests and Managed Paper Supply

WPG are one of the winners in Europe, along with many other printing companies. This is a worldwide recognised environmental award with 4000 users worldwide, of which only 52 companies received this award which makes it an absolute pleasure.

At WPG Ltd, we work hard to become a leading printing company and to achieve our environmental certifications such as the ISO 14001:2015.

We are very passionate about the environment, and so, one of our priorities is to ensure we look after it. WPG can also supply carbon balanced paper, which has been created to reduce carbon impacts on the environment. We also purchase our paper from a supplier who plants 4 trees every time we print on 1.5 tonnes of paper. Recycling is something we ensure we carry out at WPG, and make sure all our materials and waste products can be recycled. Additionally, back in 2011, WPG fitted solar panels. This ensured that we were using renewable energy, because this helps us to decrease our usage of fossil fuels.